2011年4月25日 星期一

How You Can Contribute to the Health and Vitality of Coral Reefs Using the Top Ten ReefMandments

In light of the recent Gulf Oil Spill Disaster, Catastrophic Devastation and the aftermath that is still to follow. Believe me, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. This problem is going to get far worse and I hate to be the one to say so. Sad but true because the truth is told here. No sugarcoating.

So now more than ever, it is important to realize and implement the Ten Coral Reef Commandments. These suggested environmental conscious implementations are for everyone. As JFK said, "it is every ones responsibility to act as they are able to contribute."

If ever you could do me a favor, these 10 (ten) things would be the most meaningful to my heart. Please care enough to care.

ReefMandment # 1. Please Do Not Anchor On A Reef. (Reefs are alive)

A-L-I-V-E. Many species of coral has the same texture as your skin. Any sharp object can give it a cut or laceration and or possible kill it all together.

ReefMandment #2. Please Do Not Take Living Animals From The Sea Home. Most of them die if you don't have a pressurized aerator on the spot.

ReefMandment #3. Please Do Not Trash Our Place. (or we'll send Bubba's brother over your house to trash your place) Birds have been found dead with cigarette lighters and butts in their stomachs. Dispose of your garbage properly while at sea.

Reefmandment #4. Please Do Not Collect Conch. This is an endangered species and a protected marine animal. Have the brass ones to report anyone who does. Phone number to report violations is 888-404-3922. Should be in everyone's cell directory

ReefMandment #5. Please Do Not Touch The Coral. Reefs have a protective mucous slim that keeps them from being infected. Disturbing the slim opens coral up to bacteria.

ReefMandment #6. If You Are At The Beach, Please Do Not Walk Over The Sea Oats. They protect the sand from blowing away and prevent beach erosion. Birds nest in them as well. Florida State Law against picking sea oats too.;-(

ReefMandment #7. Boaters Please Follow The NO Wake Zones. Boats don't have brakes so please don't drink and drive a motorized marine vessel. Wake zones are to protect known Manatee swimming areas.

Reefmandment #8. Please Do Not Anchor In The Sea Grass or stand on it. Sea Grass are where fish and other creatures live and lay eggs. Sea Grass health is just as important as the Coral Reefs.

ReefMandment #9. Please Don't Catch More Fish Than You Can Eat.

A Freezer Full Statistically Goes To Waste.

ReefMandment #10. Please Observe Line Fish / Spearfishing minimum and maximum size and catch limits. In wake of Gulf Oil Spill and all the marine life left dead because of it. It is Every ones responsibility to be a GOOD Steward of our Oceans Resources.

In my experience as a human being on the planet, it is alarming how FEW people stand up and fight for what they believe in. I am touched by the out cry and outrage expressed by Americans all over the country about Gulf Spill. Let's keep up "calling it out" from the mountains and the marshes that have only us to protect them.

Wildlife can NOT do it for themselves. All Marine animals and Wildlife by the sea are impacted and need our support in word and deeds. Thank you to all those who are contributing. I pray for you daily.

written by: Laura Parke, SDI Scuba Instructor, Marine Life Conservative

Laura L. Parke, R.N., Full Time Master Scuba Instructor and Scuba Expert, SDI, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Founder: PrivateScubaLessons.com and ScubaDiva Laura on Twitter

